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Instructor is Entertainment Attorney and Digital Media Consultant

Paige Adamczyk is an entertainment attorney and digital media consultant. She develops and produces independent projects, with a special focus on documentaries.

What is your experience in the industry?
I have been working in the entertainment industry for about 14 years—in almost all aspects of production, from development through post-production. I have worked at major companies such as NBC, Comcast, MGM, and Discovery, and for large clients such as Oliver Stone, Robert DeNiro, and more. Although I have experience in the entire production pipeline, post-production has always been my favorite area.

What do you enjoy most about teaching at FIDM?
I love the students. They come to the table with so much creativity and inspiration. Helping draw that out of them, and giving them the tools to turn that into something tangible is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.

Please note: The information contained herein was confirmed at the time of the original publication.

Categories:  Digital Media Faculty